A community sharing all the little moments in life.

Bonnie and Emily became the dynamic duo they are now 10 years ago when they met in high school. From there, they grew their passion for creativity, food, travel, and all things fun together. They started this blog to share their adventures and knowledge with others to create a community of individuals that are looking to enjoy the wonders of the world to their utmost ability. Most of all, they hope their readers find joy and laughter in the stories and experiences they share throughout this website.

Meet Bonnie.

Bonnie is a foodie at heart, traveler by trade, and Winnie the Pooh fanatic. She spends her days finding new foods around the city and traveling to different countries to learn new cultures with her friends. Her interest in art and creativity led her to study design in school, giving her the skills to help create content for the blog. Having been to 25+ cities, she wanted to share the great food and adventures she has had the opportunity to experience with others. Bonnie is also a spontaneous ball of energy that attempts to bring humor and fun to all.

Meet Emily.

Emily is a designer with a love for food and exploring the world. Most days you can often find her in the kitchen baking up some sweet treats. From a young age, Emily knew she wanted to create content, from DIYs to video production, she explored them all. Her love for art and design is what ultimately led her to a BS in Integrated Digital Media from NYU. Many years later after exploring with her other half, Emily is prepared to share her knowledge on all things food, travel, and life.